This is a complete list of all my publications except for two short news articles for the EFL Gazette in the 1990s.

Teaching Uniformed Personnel
A Handbook For English Teachers
Teaching uniformed personnel is a specialised field in English for Specific Purposes teaching. It includes teaching military (army, navy and air force) personnel, police officers and border guards.
This comprehensive and up-to-date handbook for teachers covers all the main areas of teaching uniformed personnel: syllabi design; teaching grammar and vocabulary; teaching speaking, reading, listening and writing skills; using maps, photographs and other images for teaching; using technology; developing integrated skills; and carrying out assessment.

The English Learner’s Active Study Notebook
An Active Study Notebook for English language learners, with a language guide and note pages to complete.
The Notebook has a self-assessment page, in line with the Common European Framework of Reference. The Language Guide covers word classes, the noun phrase, time phrases, verb phrases, the key verbs: do, get, give, go, have, put, take and turn, modal verbs, conditionals (seven of them), sentence analysis, idioms, binomials and metaphors. In the Guide there are pages for learners to collect their own examples. There is advice on how to exploit texts to identify new language, and key word pages to collect collocations and phrases associated with words the learners identify as important for them.
There are also topic vocabulary pages to collect language around different topics of interest. The Skills section looks at the language of presentations, meetings, reports, letters, telephoning and questions, again with space for learners to add their own examples of useful language. Finally, there is a list of irregular verbs.
The Notebook is available from all Amazon stores.

The English Noun Phrase: A Handbook for Teachers
The English noun phrase is the most complex part of English grammar. Noun phrases may be single word nouns and pronouns or multi-element noun phrase complexes which can contain a huge range of sub-elements. Noun phrases can include determiners, adverbs, adjectives, nouns modifying nouns, and compounds, relative clauses, prospective-to clauses, do-ing clauses, done clauses, prepositional phrases, and noun content clauses. All these elements are used to help make the noun understandable and the reference clear, and to give essential information about the noun. This book explores the intricacies of the noun phrase, with a special focus on the complexities of determiners and post-nominal modification, and helps you improve your understanding of both simple and complex noun phrases. It then shows you ten techniques you can use with learners of all levels to improve their understanding and production of noun phrases. The book includes photocopiable materials for you to use in class with intermediate + learners.

Military English Army Key Words
Military English: Army Key Words is book of key word lists and glossaries, extracted from a corpus of US Army Field Manuals. The topics covered are: The Soldier’s Guide | Operations | The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad | the Brigade Combat Team | Theater Army, Corps, and Division Operations | Pathfinder Operations | Reconnaissance & Security Operations | Rangers | Scouts | Army Aviation | Airborne Operations | Engineer Operations | Fire Support Operations | Ordnance Operations | Quartermaster Operations | Civil Affairs Operations | Civil Disturbance Operations | Counter Insurgency | Multinational Operations | Peace Operations | Tactical Radio Operations | Land Navigation | Terrain Analysis | Desert Operations | Jungle Operations | Mountain Operations | Survival | Tactical Combat Casualty Care
The Rough And Ready Guide to Teaching English Online in A Time of Coronovirus

Military English Tactical and Peacekeeping Operations Coursebook
A new 200 hour pre-deployment course for army personnel being sent on multi-national tactical and peacekeeping missions.
For more information visit the course page here. Military English Tactical and Peacekeeping Operations Workbook Military English Tactical and Peacekeeping Operations Teacher’s Book

Understanding English: An Introduction to the Associative Model
The Associative Model of English is a way of understanding the process of how we use English at the time of articulation (when we speak-hear) or when we read. It is a linear dependency relation model of language. By using the ideas in this short introduction to the Associative Model you will deepen your understanding of how English is used. You will also be able to effectively diagram sentences (and texts) to show the associations between words and how they ‘work’ as meaning units.
Thinking about the Passive in English Teaching Professional January

This monograph explores a new and exciting view of English grammar which is more powerful than the traditional description used in English language teaching materials. It is a re-imagining of pedagogical grammar based on Lexical Priming theory and the Associative Model of English. Grammar is envisaged as a system of Distance, Meaning and Conventions. These ideas are explored in depth and the ideas of verb and noun pathways are introduced.

Teaching English: Being the Best
with Emma Valahu
Teaching English: Being the Best is the essential handbook for ELT teachers who want to take their teaching to the next level, beyond best practice. Over two hundred 60-second essays on all aspects of teaching will help you to become the best teacher you can be. The book covers topics not included in other methodology books such as two new approaches to reading (the Dual Text and Deep Text approaches), opportunity cost, the competence model, being professional and avoiding burnout. It is for all English language teachers teaching adults and older teens, both newly qualified and experienced teachers alike.

A Brief Guide to Text Analysis and Corpus Linguistics
The Guide explores text analysis and useful tools, then introduces you to corpus linguistics and shows you how to build a micro-corpus and do things like produce a key word list.
The Grammar of English Ideas: Distance, Meaning and Convention.
A re-imagining of English grammar is an exploration of English grammar which identifies the grammar a teacher really needs to teach and the grammar a learner needs to learn. This has now been revised and republished as The Ideas of English Grammar.
Demand High? in IH Journal June
Less is More in English Teaching Professional November
Reading Aloud: Breaking the Taboo in Humanising Language Teaching Magazine February
Keynote article: The CEF: walking ‘can do’ backwards in Modern English Teacher October
Professional presentations in English Teaching Professional May
A failure of imagination in IH Journal November
Death in the Afternoon in English Teaching Professional May
Giving feedback on written work [with Triinu Soomere] in Humanising Language Teaching Magazine September
Creating a key word list in English Teaching Professional Issue 38 May
Reading and reading skills in Modern English Teacher April
Police materials and teacher development projects in Folio January
The three pillars of continuity in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter January
Policing the organising of learners in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter October
Cross-border police production in Estonia in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter October
The 80/20 Challenge in British Council News June-July
Connecting PEP to the e-world in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter April
The Warsaw Articles (includes all the articles below from 1999 to 2001, which were written in Warsaw)
The dual syllabus in Network October
Sauna virgins and tiger teams in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter October
Strong support for PEP Estonia in Peacekeeping English Project Newsletter April
The ELT Verb
This book was the start of my personal quest for an understanding of the English verb as it is presented in grammar and course books. It grew out of my dissatisfaction with the verb grammar as described and taught. It did not pretend to be a comprehensive grammar but rather was an expression of my personal understanding of English verbs. Eventually this book grew into The Grammar of English Ideas: Distance, Meaning and Convention. A re-imagining of English grammar, and then revised to The Ideas of English Grammar.
The language we teach in IATEFL Issues (159) February-March
How assurances of quality have spread east in The Guardian: Learning English February 22nd
Progressive forms: life’s journey’s in Network January
TEFL Myths in Humanising Language Teaching Magazine January
Rituals and myths in Network News December
A year of BIELT in Network News October
Co-text, context and core meaning in Network October
The language we teach in Network News August
First and second languages do battle for the classroom in The Guardian: Learning English June
Try this it works in Network News June
Thoughts on the to-infinitive in Network May
The death of the native in Network News April
Using L1: what kind of sin? in Network News February
Coursebook absurdities in Modern English Teacher October
Materials design in Modern English Teacher July
Classroom research – learners and the syllabus in Network April
Edited Publications [Selection]
Acoustic Space #15 Open Fields
Acoustic Space # 14 Data Drift
[There was no Acoustic Space # 13]
Acoustic Space # 12 Techno-Ecologies 2 Media Art Histories
Vita Kalnberzina (2012) Language acquisition models University of Latvia
Acoustic Space # 11 Techno-Ecologies
Acoustic Space # 10 Networks and Sustainability
Acoustic Space # 9 Art as Research
Acoustic Space # 8 Energy
Acoustic Space is a peer-reviewed Journal for Transdisciplinary Research on Art, Science, Technology and Society published by the MPLab (Art Research Lab) of Liepaja University, Latvia and RIXC, The Centre for New Media Culture (Riga, Latvia).
Other Publications
Photograph of Leszek Miller in Polityka nr 19 (2140) 9 May
Cover photograph and photographs accompanying an article on ‘Andreas Schluter in Poland‘ in Art and Business 11-12
The High Tatras in The Great Outdoors July
1987 –1990
Articles and photographs in Canterbury’s Archaeology